Assignment: East and West Philosophers Comparison
The Eastern Philosopher that I chose is Siddhārtha Gautama, otherwise also known as Buddha. Siddhartha came from a family that had kept him sheltered and away from despair and suffering in the world. However, when he reached adulthood, he started traveling and came across a land filled with despair and suffering. He did not like the despair and suffering he saw so he started a new religion, in which he hoped to teach people how to find the way to enlightenment that would hopefully end suffering and despair.
His method of teaching was first to learn the “Four Noble Truths,” these truths being.
1. Suffering does exist,
2. Suffering has specific identifiable causes,
3. Suffering can indeed finish quickly and completely,
4. There is an Eightfold Path to ending suffering and once these noble truths have been learned, one could proceed on to learning and practicing the Eightfold Path.
The Eightfold Path is:
1. Right View – in the best and most effective way, or a way that will be successful:
2. Right Aim – to overcome selfishness especially in spite of obstacles:
3. Right Speech – speaking only the truth accurately and consistent with the facts:
4. Right Action – acting only in ways that are not hurtful or harmful holding the correct opinion about somebody or something:
5. Right Living – living according to the law correct in what you say or do, especially legally or morally justified in saying or doing it:
6. Right Effort – fighting against immoral and corrupt conditions and make the facts or the truth of a situation clear:
7. Right Mindfulness – a duty to attain enlightenment and achieve a desired state:
8. The Right Contemplation – is an ultimate concentration of the mind that incorporates the previous seven folds of the path, and concepts associated with the shared experience of a culture, society, or community:...