Eastern Philosophy

Eastern and Western Philosophers Comparison
                                                                          Brandi Taylor

      Eastern and Western philosophy has been a part of part of this world for many decades and
generations. Each person may have their own understandings of what each philosopher means
but can we ever fully understand the implications, intentions, or justifications for the differences
with each one and their beliefs? I chose to compare Siddhartha Gautama and John Dewey,
comparing these two gives understanding of the differences in culture, time, and essence.

Eastern Philosopher

        Siddhartha Gautama (c. 563-c. 483 B.C.E) also known as Buddha was eastern philosopher
who created Buddhism religion and philosophical thought. What led Siddharta Gautama to
explore why the people suffered in so many ways were his thoughts and questions. He defined
suffering as a long-term torment of one’s body and soul.

        Although Buddha was born in a life of comfort and never missed out from anything he
would wish for, he set out to discover why there was suffering and how to dissolve of it. After
six years of study he was certain that suffering was due to humanity, the changes which occur,
and the doubt or dread the changes may cause (Moore & Bruder, 2008). The fact this in modern
society we see many changes which affect the way people act and live makes this sound logical.

        In Siddhartha Gautama’s writings he concluded the Four Noble Truths: (1) There is
suffering; (2) suffering has specific and identifiable causes; (3) suffering can be ended; (4) the
way to end suffering is through enlightened living as expressed in the Eightfold Path (Moore &
Bruder, 2008, p. 530).

      To understand the Four Noble...