1944 Butler Education Act – into effect in 1947
* Elementary – state, free
* Private fee- charging preparatory schools for m/c
* Modern (attended by 80%): non-selective, co-educational, vocational education for those aged 11-15
* Grammar (12%): selective through 11+ exam, single sex, academic = professions and universities. 11-18yrs
* Technical (5%): selective through 11+; technical and academic from 11-15/18. Second cut of 11+ candidates went to technical schools. Very few LEAS built.
* Continuation of public school system.
Conservatism of model
* School leaving age extended, but examinatiosn to selct and motivate; success meritocracy through scholarships.
* Successful w/c pupils in system may be rewarded and advamced
1944 Act distinguished: Those ‘interested in learning for it’s own sake’; Those interested/ or with insight in the machine; Those who could deal with ‘concrete things rather than ideas’
Was the 11+ fair?
* ‘Equality of opportunity’ vs structural inequality: an equal opportunity to get into an elitist system
* Cyril Burt and intelligence testing: assumptions underpinning the 11+ exams, how to assess the intelligence esp. re: language that is shaped by environment, class and ethnic backgrounds. Advantage to m/c background
* Early sociological studies showed that grammar schools educated m/c
* Those in top stream were educated to pass = passing 11+ = self-fulfilling prophecy. M/c culture ensured they benefitted form the system.
Early Leaving
* Concerns raised by educational researchers about the number of grammar school pupils who didn’t stay on to 6th form, but chose to leave at 15. 1959; 11% left at 15.
* Reasons given for leaving; Low ability; home conditions; no will to work
* Higher proportions of the minority professional/clerical classes get the majority of A levels.
* Those that passed the 11+ benefitted hugely....