
Week One Writing Assignment
Question 1
In question one we are asked to define effectiveness and efficiency, and explain how they are related to organizational behavior.   Effectiveness is the degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are solved.   In contrast to efficiency, effectiveness is determined without reference to costs and, whereas efficiency means “doing the thing right,” effectiveness means “doing the right thing.” (Business Dictionary, 2013, Effectiveness).
Efficiency is the comparison of what is actually produced or performed with what can be achieved with the same consumption of resources (money, time, labor, etc.).   It is an important factor in determination of productivity. (Business Dictionary, 2013, Efficiency).   Productivity depends on several factors: motivation, talent, training, work environment, support from others, time management, luck . . .   it is almost too much to think about.   But when everything lines up, things get done.   (Psychology Today, 2002-2013, Productivity).
Effectiveness is the extent to which the individuals in an organization are able to finish and achieve their goal or task given by their supervisor.   Efficiency deals with the time and resources the individuals use to finish their task.   An employee is said to be efficient and effective if he achieves his goals with lesser time and lesser resources.   Both the concepts are highly related to the organizational behavior.   The more the organizations motivate their employees, the more effective and efficient they will be in performing their tasks.   The purpose of organizational behavior is to study the individuals in the organization so that they can achieve higher efficiency and effectiveness in achieving their bigger goals such as increase in market share, increase in operational productivity, etc.   (Blurt it, 2013).
An organization is productive if it achieves its goals (effective) and does so by transferring inputs to...