Effects of Bullying

Effects of Bullying


“Bullying has caused a great deal of chaos in the world, and it’s only going to get worse if we as people don’t control the situation. Research has shown that “The relationship between bullying and suicide is complex. Many media reports oversimplify this relationship, insinuating or directly stating that bullying can cause suicide” (Gladden, R. M., Vivolo-Kantor, A. M., Hamburger, M. E., & Lumpkin, C. D. 2014). This is a proven fact 2014 8 school suicides occurred from bullying here in Michigan, and the parents didn’t have a clue about their love one being bullied. It’s very scary to think that anyone can lose a love one based on bullying.

People that get bullied can deal with the situation according based on my research. Its best to tell someone an adult about the encounters that one have been going through and not to be scared because one who is being bullied don’t want to have so much on them where they feel like hurting them self. “Sometimes bullying is caused by an imbalance in the family”( Gartralle J,2008) Counseling of both bullies and the person who is being bullying this should be done apart and together so both sides get an understanding of why all the anger is coming from now it does not excuse bullying only an understanding.   How the childhood of bullying began is one step to acknowledge the problem and finding a solution. How the people that are being bullied have been affected? I for one was thinking about harming myself and went to a higher power which saved me from making a wrong decision.

The schools can do better and put more attention on bullying. Help Center put in all Schools to avoid this situation. When I was in High School and resolved my Issue I started an organization at my school and it was more students being bullied then I thought immediate 10 of my peers joined and thanked me after the process was over. I started to have a meeting once a...