Effects of Mass Media


Effects the Media have |
Caytlene Jowett, Christina Bencini,   Clair Baker, Chaparral, Jacqueline Pagan |
1/12/2015 |

Effects the Media have
What role do the media play in shaping public opinion?
    Candidates running for any office are well aware the impact media and social media have on their campaign. Candidates use the media to control their message. It’s their main forum to deliver their proposals of election. Without the media we the voters would not know who was running for office, or what they stand for. The media surrounding elections is ultimately what shapes the public opinion. The media also play a part in defining the image of a candidate, a critical factor during an election.
  USA TODAY Connection: Knowing the News. USA TODAY is a newspaper designed to inform and entertain its readers. Before a story appears in USA TODAY, reporters and editors must decide whether it has information readers either want to know or need to know. How can you tell if a story is newsworthy?
(Today, 2008)

    I believe that the information and news media in the shaping of political views is enormous. It can be a good thing and a bad thing. I think that when you look at this question I think that it's like people in the world today, they usually believe rumors they hear which is never a good thing. A lot of what you hear or read on the internet most likely will be something that isn’t always true. I also find that the media now days like to try and influence voters to care about certain things when it comes to voting. They also try and point out key points of information about a politician to shape what you think of them. The government is known to do this as well.

Does the information media have social responsibility? If yes, in what ways? If not, why not?
  Information media does have a social responsibility to the general public by providing the most accurate reporting possible. Unfortunately, most of the media tends to...