Quality Care Enhancement 2
End of Life Care
Symptom Assessment
Identify an Aspect of Care
The aim of this essay is to identify a chosen aspect of nursing relevant to end of life care. The assessment of symptoms is an important activity carried out by the nursing staff in clinical practice, important for the identification of symptoms and their functional impact on the patient. Symptom Assessment is essential for optimising the quality of life, during end of life care. It plays a major role in quality of life assessment. A quality of life assessment addresses physical, psychological and social domains, in addition to specific symptoms. Skills in bedside symptom assessment are especially important for patients with advanced illness who may be too weak to undergo diagnostic studies.
The author of this essay will have conducted a literature search, in order to locate evidence of best practise relating to the aspect of care identified. This evidence will be analysed for the quality and validity of information found during the search.
Hek et al (2000) suggest that any search for literature should be carried out comprehensively and systematically. It is imperative to use a variety of sources in order to gather a range of information, that is reliable and trustworthy, (Hart 2000). To search for specific information, Hek (2000) recommend, electronic searching, which is the quickest and most effective way of doing a literature search.
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008), states that the best way to deliver high quality care to patients is to use evidence based practice. The most recent material found will be analysed in this essay as Parahoo (2006) pointed...