
Bio II Exam # 3 (Ch. 28 - 29 - 30 & 31 old textbook) or (Ch. 25 & 26 New Textbook)
Study Guide and Review Questions
What would be strong evidence to suggest a protist is phototrophic?
The following organisms include dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and ciliates belong to which supergroup of Eukaryotes?
The marine multicellular protists including the larger brown algae belong to the_______________.
Which feature unites paramecia, malarial parasites, and dinoflagellates into a single group?
Organisms that are characterized by being unicellular, photosynthetic, and having double shells made of silica are known as_________________________.
The tropical diseases such as African sleeping sickness, Chaga's disease, and leishmaniasis are caused by_________________________. How they spread? ________________.
The parasite that is responsible for causing malaria is called____________________.
Describe the feature that distinguishes protists from other eukaryotes
What is the organism responsible for the Irish Potato Famine of 1845 and 1847 and belongs to?
Describe the characteristic features of the stramenopiles.
What features provides evidence for charophytes being the closests relative to land plants?
What fungi polysaccharide cell wall are made of?
What plant polysaccharide cell wall are made of?
Why a rhizoid is not considered a true root?
What are the function of the cuticle?
How do you call Plants that lacking well-developed conducting systems such as mosses, liverworts, and hornworts?
What are Bryophytes, like ferns and certain other pterophytes plants, require to transport their spores?
What is the dominant stage in the life cycle of seedless vascular plants?
What is double fertilization?
What are the products of double fertilization process?
Why is external water not essential for fertilization in seed plants?
Indicate some function of secondary compounds.
What type of symbiotic relationship is exemplified by mycorrhizal fungi?...