English - Juba

The Rise and Fall of a Legend


Maximus, a friend who had stood by me since the day I met him, was to fight Commodus, the recently elected Emperor. Suddenly, I hear Commodus’ voice echo around the dark, damp corridors that encircle the dimly lit cell where I now find myself. He speaks in a patronising manner about Maximus, despite the epic gladiatorial fight that was to take place, joking about his murdered family; for he knew Maximus was chained and there was no danger of Commodus getting hurt, for the moment…

My cell is nearly silent; the only noise I can hear now comes from a small mouse, as it scavenges for food. The hopeless cries of the mouse become louder as it nears my cell; only to be frightened by my outstretched hand, as I look for comfort. My sigh echoes around the cell. “Maximus,” I call, worried as I had not heard from him since they dragged us into separate cells. “Maximus my friend, are you holding up?”Almost instantly, the wood that blocked a window from my cell is removed, the sun shines into my eyes and, raising my hand to stop them from burning, a guard outside my cell tells me to keep quiet. Despite the weak threat, I continue to call, “Maximus are you there?”   As I listen carefully for a reply, I hear footsteps coming towards me and, thinking it was the guard again, I lay in the corner of my cell pretending to be asleep. I was surprised, however, to see Commodus, a sly man who has cheated death and murdered his own father through jealousy. Commodus stared into my cell and laughs “I don’t know why you’re hiding, Juba, for it is Maximus who shall die today, not you.”

Ever since I had been bought as a gladiator at the slave market, I had admired the bravery and technique of Maximus, commonly known as ‘Spaniard’. The life of the former general had turned out badly, with his family slaughtered, the brave soldier thrown out of the army and now having to live the tough life of a gladiator. A gladiator’s life is glorified out in the...