|What is the main point of this paper? |Affirmative action has the opposite affect that is was meant for. |
| | |
|What is the greatest strength of this paper?|The excellent examples the author uses to explain their point of view. |
|Explain your answer. |The essay introduction was clear and you knew what the paper was going to be about. |
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|What material does not seem to fit the main |none |
|point of the paper or does not seem to be | |
|appropriate for the audience? Explain your | |
|answer. | |
|Has the author sufficiently addressed |Yes, they author gave percentages of people that were in favor of affirmative action. |
|counterarguments? Explain your answer. | |
|Where should the author add more details or |When the author says, “There are laws now set into place to help defend people that |
|examples? Explain your answer. |may have believed they were victimized by discrimination” maybe explain a little more |
| |about the law. When the law(s) were created and by who, in which states are they |