Environment Pollution Caused by Construction Activities Environmental Sciences Essay Find Out More from Uk Essays Here: Http: //Www.Ukessays.Com/Essays/Environmental-Sciences/Environment-Pollution-Caused-by-Construction-

Environment Pollution Caused By Construction Activities Environmental Sciences Essay
This chapter present the brief information and effects of the environmental issues happened in the Malaysian Construction Sites. This is a literature chapter review on the environmental pollution happened which caused by the construction activities in Malaysia. For example, air pollution, water pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, wastage problem, ground movements and etc.

2.2 Environment Pollution Caused by Construction Activities
According to Krishnan Ganesh (2005) describe that the pollution consists of any change of the environment in physical, chemical or biological characteristics which might be endanger the human life and other life being. Besides, pollution might occurred in increasing of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other green house gases conversely decreasing in stratospheric ozone on global scale enhanced the global environmental pollution to air, water and land resources, biological diversity and human health.

Based on Jennifer Gray (2010), the construction industry is a major source of pollution compound around 4% of particulate emissions, higher occurrences of water pollution incidents than any other industry and frequent complains of noise every year. However, the main areas of concern are including air, water, noise and soil pollution.

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Meanwhile, Zhen et al (2006) stated the dirt, harmful gases, noises, blazing lights, solid and liquid wastes, ground movements, messy, fallen item, and etc that hazards from construction site are the sources of pollution. It would also interrupt the residents near the...