Environmental Factors

Environmental Factors
The company chosen for analysis in this paper is Johnson & Johnson (J&J). J&J was founded in 1886 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Over the years they have grown into a world-wide company with several divisions and thousands of employees. This paper will attempt to analyze how various environmental factors affect global and marketing decisions of this leader in the healthcare industry.
Economic interdependence and trade practices
Using a decentralize management approach Johnson and Johnson is a conglomerate of more than 250 individual companies. Each company is managed independently but has access to the resources and knowledge of a Fortune 50 company (Johnson & Johnson [J&J], 2010). Many of these companies operate in the global arena. J&J has been part of the global market for many years. As communication becomes more sophisticated and technology improves transportation and services J&J has grown even larger through international agreements in foreign countries. Many companies seek international agreements as a means of expanding the company footprint and increasing potential profits by off shoring some the business segments to third world countries, J&J is no exception.
Demographics and Physical Infrastructure
Age, gender, income level, race, and ethnicity are the five types of demographics usually associated with marketing. The objective of gathering demographics is to determine the segments of a population and to have a clear picture of the membership of these segments. Once compiled the demographic information is used to develop marketing strategies and plans for the product being researched (“Demographics“, 2010).
J&J companies are broad based. This gives them several advantages. Each operating company maintains a local view, regardless of where they are located in the world. This gives the company visibility to changing customer need, changing technologies, and scientific development. This broad view of the healthcare industry...