
Distinctively Visual + Related
Compare the ways the distinctively visual is created in the shoe horn Sonata and in ONE other related text of your own choosing.

Images created in the mind of the responder have the power to change ones outlook and may result in strong emotional response. The distinctively visual elements of the play “The Shoe-Horn Sonata” by John Misto and the symbols he uses transcend the merely visual transforming the interpretation of the viewer and the poem “South of My Days” by Judith Wright employs imagery that enables the responder to visualise metaphysical connection between its central character and his surroundings.

Through the use of poetic devices in “South of My Days,” Wright enables the responder to visualise an old drover and jack of all trades. The personification of the tablelands as “bony slopes wincing under winter,” uses internal rhyme to draw the attention of the reader and strengthens the connection of the persona to the country. It reflects the portrayal of old Dan, in the metaphor,
“stories he clutches round his bones?”
It is as if little more remains of him than the stories that animate him and even they are said to vanish. The images of the bony country bind him just as in the inverted word order of the phrase ‘my blood’s country.’ These images suggest that this metaphysical connection to place and the stories are all that keep him alive. The rugged sparseness of the country is vividly evoked for the responder in lines such as, “low trees, blue-leaved and olive, outcropping granite- clean, lean, hungry country.” The personification of the landscape as “lean and hungry,” achieves a positive connotation, through the epithet, “clean” and creates an atmosphere of freedom and vitality. Thus the responder is able to visualise the setting and interprets the country in a positive light.
The personification of the house throughout the poem creates a connection between it and Old Dan as they both react to the winter in...