From this course I have learned important information pertaining to my cultural history but mainly I have learned many valuable life lessons. I am Caucasian and far too often throughout history we have proven ourselves to be a selfish, discriminatory race. I was raised to believe and promote tolerance and coexistence and this course reiterated why these concepts are pertinent to cultural diversity in the United States. Much of the information provided in this course about race and ethnicity in the United States has helped me better understand and relate to subordinate groups that vary from my own. Specifically I have learned that a large part of the Hispanic population in the United States is not bilingual, the majority is fluent in a specific dialect of Spanish only. I live in a city with a large Hispanic population and these statistics opened my eyes. In my career I am required to greet, converse, and ensure the happiness of many customers each day. Many times when I offer to assist the adults in a Hispanic family I am ignored if there are no children present. I always felt that they were being nonchalant, or dismissing the offer for assistance without the slightest acknowledgement. I now realize that Hispanic youth are used as a tool for Spanish language dominant adults and they were not intending to be mean or seem arrogant but instead they simply did not understand what I was saying much less that I was offering assistance.
Trends in immigration certainly continue to shape the face of the United States. It is predicted that by 2050 the population of Whites and non Hispanics will decrease greatly. On the other hand the population of individuals descending from Spanish and Asian origins will rapidly increase. It is very likely that by 2050 Whites and non Hispanic subordinate groups will be a minority in the United States.
To prepare for the changing race and ethnicity of its current and future citizens the United States should require that...