Virtue Theory
Virtue Theory or character ethics is an ethical theory that says a person lives his or her life to strive for excellence (Boylan 2009). This is both morally and other ways of achieving excellence. These characteristics are chosen and matured. A person chooses to live this way and is supported and encouraged by his/her community.
Many politicians will campaign with an emphasis on their life long ethical character. They will reflect upon a long history of good character and moral behavior. The politician will suggest that he/she will continue to make moral choices as he/she serves his constituents.
Utilitarianism suggests that something is good when it is good for the masses. It is something that produces the most good, more than any other alternative. The capitalism and democratic societies operate under these assumptions (Boylan 2009).
Countries like the United States operate under a utalitarianism theory. Decisions and laws are intended to provide the most good for its people. People are to be treated fairly and just. A legal system is established to protect the citizens rights and to create a fair and just society. It assumes that we are innocent until proven guilty and the opportunity to prove your position of innocence is offered to everyone. We have a set of inalienable rights that protect the citizens from unjust treatment.
Deontology suggests that a person do right because it is the right thing to do. It does not weigh the consequences of the right or wrong actions (Boylan 2009). The person is tasked to do right based upon duty to act morally and right.
Many religions are based on deontology. The followers are tasked with doing what is defined as moral and ethical because of a duty to obey. While some of the religions teach the consequences of afterlife terror, no tangible consequences are implied. The persons are asked to make the...