Evaluate how effective team work contributes to keeping children safe.
Effective team work plays a vital role in the safeguarding of children. Positive staff relations are essential in creating an environment and atmosphere in which children feel emotionally safe, secure and happy.
(2010) “The most effective teamwork is produced when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work towards a common goal” Online. There should be regular staff meetings where all team members should be able to discuss any issues and share information. If people don’t agree with each other, or have a problem then they need to be able to tell the other members in a constructive manner. Online
Online “The team must have principled leadership. Teams usually need someone to lead the effort. Team members must know that the team leader has the position because they have good leadership skills and are working for the good of the team. The team members will be less supportive if they feel that the team leader is putting him/her above the team, achieving personal recognition or otherwise benefiting from the position.” (2010)
Good leadership is essential for team success. The leader’s role would be to keep everyone informed about any changes regarding policies, curriculum, decisions or progress so that everybody is working together rather than in their own direction, part of this contributes to team success. The leader should also keep the team motivated.
Burnham L (2007)”when the team falls into a state of complacency about its achievements and does not to continue to move forward. This is usually avoided through consistent communication and planning” p111
Without effective leadership the team could fall apart, if information is not passed onto others this could cause misunderstandings, disruptions i.e. the LEA has changed the ratio of adults to children on school trips, if the information is not cascaded, the teacher responsible for the next trip could...