Evaluate the Claim That Person-Centred Therapy Offers the Therapist All That He/She Will Need to Treat Clients

Evaluate the claim that Person-Centred Therapy offers the therapist all that he/she will need to treat clients

Person-centred therapy, or client centred therapy as it is sometimes known, is a “non-directive form of talk therapy” which was originally developed by the humanist psychologist Carl Rogers and is currently one of the most widely used approaches in psychotherapy (Cherry, 2012).

Rogers’ therapy was based on the idea of building a relationship with the client wherein they feel comfortable, respected, safe, and free to express themselves in a non-judgemental environment (Chrysalis, 2014).   Rogers states that he used to ask himself “how can I treat, or cure, or change this person?” (Rogers, 1961) but through experience of working with clients he has found that he, as a therapist can’t change or ‘cure’ any client through techniques which have been taught or trained for.   Rogers believes that while it is possible to explain a person to himself, to prescribe steps which should move them forward, to train them in how to lead a more satisfying way of life, that all such methods are futile and inconsequential because the most that they can do is bring about some temporary form of change (Rogers, 1961).   This type of change is said to, more often than not, soon disappear, leaving the client more convinced than ever of their inadequacy.

American humanistic psychologist, Abraham Maslow   believed that every person has a strong desire to realise and reach their own individual potential and reach a level of ‘self actualisation’. He was best known for creating Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. The theory is based on individuals fulfilling their needs and to move towards ‘self actualisation’.   Abraham Maslow placed much emphasis on focusing on the individuals positive qualities than treating them of the client being seen as a bag of symptoms.

Through various experiences with clients Rogers started to ask the question “how can I provide a relationship which this...