Expanded Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Human Needs, Self Actu

Maslow’s Theory 4
Physiological Need 4
Security Needs 4
Social Needs 5
Esteem Needs 5
Self-actualisation 5
Advantages for Maslow’s Theory 6
Disadvantages for Maslow’s Theory 6
Conclusion 6
Job Evaluation 7
Non-analytical 7
Analytical 7
Job Ranking 7
Advantages of Job Ranking 8
Disadvantages of Job Ranking 8
Job Classification 8
Advantages for Job Classification 9
Disadvantages for Job Classification 9
Health and Safety Act 2007 10
Duties of the Employer 10
Safe Plant and Equipment 10
Competent Fellow Workers 10
Provision of Safety Equipment and Effective Supervision 10
Safe Premises and System of Work 10
Duties of the Employee 10
The Health and safety Authority (HSA) 11
Risk Assessment 13
Trade Union 20
Craft Union 20
General Unions 20
White Collar Unions 20
Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) 20
Why employees might seek to join one? 21
Bibliography 22

Maslow’s Theory “1943” (Gunnigle, Hearaty & Morley, 2007, p. 134)
Maslow first took interest in motivation theories when he discovered that some needs take priority over other needs. An example, if you are hungry and thirsty, you will take care of the thirsty first and then food. Thirsty would be a stronger need than hunger without water you would not survive. When you have quenched your thirst only then will look for food.
Taking this idea, Maslow designed a famous hierarchy of needs. Maslow summaries theses theory into five layers which start off with the most important which is physiological needs, security needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs and self actualisation needs. Maslow divided these needs into two categories which are higher order needs (Physiological and Safety) and Lower order needs (Social, Esteem and self-actualisation). The higher needs are normally satisfied within individual needs. Maslow believes that you start at the most important need and worth your way up. When each needs is for filled you go on to the next need till you reach...