Explain the Different Methods of Giving Feedback and Demonstrate Good Practice in Giving Good Feedback to Your Peers

Explain the different methods of giving feedback and demonstrate good practice in giving good feedback to your peers

Giving effective feedback is a vital part of education and training, which if carried out well helps motivate and develop learner’s knowledge, skills and behaviours. It helps learners to maximize their potential and professional development at different stages of training, raise their awareness of strengths and areas for improvement, and identify actions to be taken to improve performance. (Faculty London deanery)
There are many ways of giving feedback; it can be formal or informal, verbal or written but in every case it should guide and motivate the learner. Feedback is ineffective if it does not highlight what is good and/or give developmental comments for any weaknesses. Learners need information on what they do well, and how to improve, and then they need to act on this. Teachers can give feedback, but students can too, with self- assessment and peer assessment. The best feedback (or formative assessment) uses student's work to diagnose strengths and weaknesses, and to set individual targets for improvement. (Geoff Petty)                                    
“Feedback quality may have more impact on student achievement than any other factor Students need information more than just praise or encouragement”. (Geoff Petty)      
Positive Feedback
This should be used by teachers who are teaching students new skills. As the name implies positive feedback is good and reinforces good or positive learning. Students, teachers, indeed anyone can improve with positive feedback too. Positive feedback tells you what you are doing right or what works. If you know that, you can do more of it. Although, it is true that you won’t improve as much if you only get positive feedback. You also need to know what isn’t working or could be done more effectively.

Negative Feedback
Negative feedback can also be used by...