EYMP 5: Support Children’s Speech, Language and Communication
1.1 Speech is a verbal communication; it is the articulation of words to express thoughts, feelings or ideas.
Language is different to speech as it is a recognised structured system of gestures, signs and symbols used to communicate. Babies are able to use language from birth using none-verbal communication as in crying in a negative response or to gain attention.
Communication is the transmission of thoughts, feelings or information via body language, signals, speech or writing.
Children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) have difficulties in communicating with others; it may be that they cannot express themselves effectively or they may have difficulties in understanding what is being said to them. For example;
• Communication and interaction needs affecting the ability to communicate or socially interact with others, such as autistic spectrum disorders
• Cognition difficulties affecting the ability to process language such as dyslexia.
• Sensory Impairment affecting the ability to use some aspects of language, such as a hearing impairment.
• Physical disabilities affecting articulation of sounds, such as cleft palate.
1.2 Learning- Language is needed to understand concepts, participate in problem solving, and to develop ideas and opinions. Language and speech enables a child to express their thoughts and feelings, and to think about abstract notions helping them to make sense of their world.
Emotional- Children need to be able to express themselves; if they have difficulty doing this it can have a damaging impact on their self-esteem and identity. Expressing their emotions and talking about them can help children to understand acceptable social behaviour. Not being able to do this can lead to temper tantrums and aggressive out bursts.
Behaviour- We use language to set firm boundaries and limits for children’s behaviour. To do this adult’s need to...