To what extent has theory and research on families been successful in transcending the individual–society dualism?
Panta rhei (Heraclit)
This essay presents and evaluates research on family topics in the context of individual-society dualism and related interrogative themes. Research in the past three decades has set out to investigate how individuals and their society are related and is such trying to overcome the formerly drawn boundaries between the individual as an autonomic actor equipped with a set of cognitive skills and the social context often conceptualised in rough categories like “economic background”. A primary area of relationship, which everybody across cultures experiences very early in their lives is some network of close kinship, the family. This essay draws on research on family, in particular on research in the framework of critical social psychology. It aims to explain the characteristics of discursive psychology and its main research focus as an example how recent research goes about investigating social matters to come to the conclusion that where quantitative research can establish general laws and underlying principles qualitative research can reveal how knowledge is constructed and located in a historical and social context.
Individuals and their surrounding, society, are the object of research in social psychology Individual and society are the two entities that can’t be thought of, one without the other. Human evolution driven forward by individuals is not thinkable without society .
According to this view there has been a shift from researching either the individual or the surrounding society to looking into how the two of them are interwoven. Sociological social psychology has set out to map this situation in its research: “SSP concentrates on the reciprocity of society and the individual, sees its fundamental task as the explanation of social interaction, and relies methodologically on naturalistic observation and surveys”....