Fault Lines

Fault Lines on an Asymmetric Scale

Fault Lines on an Asymmetric Scale
The theory of The Clash of Civilizations was put forward by political scientist, Samuel Huntington. This theory argues that the religious and cultural identities of people will be the main cause of disagreement after the cold war in the world (Huntington 1993, 23). The theory of The Clash of Civilizations was first developed at the American Enterprise Institute, at a lecture, in the year 1992. Later, the theory was progressed in a Foreign Affairs Article, in the year 1993. This was as a response to a 1992 book written by Francis Fukuyuma. Huntington’s thesis was later developed in another book published in 1996. This paper will be an argumentative essay that challenges the author’s claims on why civilizations will clash (Turabian 2007, 14).
Samuel Huntington’s work will function as an integral resource for the concern on why civilizations will clash. His work, The Clash of Civilizations, looks at present-day and anticipated conflicts. This suggests that the theory of The Clash of Civilizations will develop a path that will direct all other conflicts. Samuel Huntington suggests that previous conflict and warfare from the monarchies works to the effect of differences in ideologies, to the nation’s internal matters. According to him, the cause of conflict after the cold war will not be economic or ideological. In his view, cultural differences between human beings and their enormous differences will be the main reason for conflict between people.
He furthers his argument by suggesting that the primary conflict between different world political views will be between groups of different civilizations and countries (Huntington 1993, 25). This will be, in spite, of the countries being the world concern’s most influential players. Many of...