Fin 403 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Investment Decision Selection Paper

FIN 403 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Investment Decision Selection Paper
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FIN 403 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Investment Decision Selection Paper
Select one of the following scenarios, used in future Learning Team assignments:
A manufacturing organization considering expansion to India or Brazil
A service organization considering expansion to Thailand or Ghana
A nonprofit organization considering expansion to China or Hungary
Obtain faculty approval of your scenario prior to beginning the assignment.
Prepare a 1,750- to 2,450-word paper in which you relate the international flow of goods, services, and capital to the balance of payments and domestic economic behavior. Address the following:
Analyzetrends of balance of payments accounts, including the current and capital accounts, and the overall balance of payments over a 3-5 year period on a quarterly basis for the countries in your scenario.
Relatevarious balance of payments accounts to fluctuations of the exchange rates of the proposed countries over the time period.
Describecurrent economic conditions of the countries.
Use the Internet to research balance of payments data. Use the following resources to research data related to the international flow of goods, services, and capital, and international economic and political conditions:
U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis
Economic Research Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
International Trade Administration
World Bank Group
U.S. Census Bureau
International Monetary Fund
U.S. Commercial Service
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Include a minimum of five cited references in the body of the paper

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