Fire Safty

University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations

Information for candidates

could be used by candidates to access further training,

s Introduction to TKT – a test of professional
knowledge for English language teachers

and enhance career opportunities
• to encourage teachers in their professional development
by providing a step in a developmental framework of
awards for teachers of English.

TKT is the new test about teaching English to speakers of
other languages. It aims to increase teachers’ confidence and
enhance job prospects by focusing on the core teaching

s TKT candidature

knowledge needed by teachers of primary, secondary or adult

TKT is suitable for teachers of English in primary, secondary

learners, anywhere in the world. This new award will help you

or adult teaching contexts and is intended for an

to understand:

international audience of non-first language or first language

• different methodologies for teaching
• the ‘language of teaching’
• the ways in which resources can be used

teachers of English.
Candidates taking TKT will normally have some experience of
teaching English to speakers of other languages. TKT may also
be taken by:

• the key aspects of lesson planning
• classroom management methods for different needs.

• pre-service teachers
• teachers who wish to refresh their teaching knowledge

TKT has three core modules:
s Module 1 – Language and background to language
learning and teaching
• Describing language and language skills
• Background to language teaching

• teachers who are moving to teaching English after
teaching another subject.
TKT candidates are expected to be familiar with language
relating to the practice of ELT. A non-exhaustive list of
teaching terminology is provided in the TKT Glossary, which
can be found on our website:

• Background to language learning.

s Module 2 – Planning lessons and use of resources
for language teaching
• Planning and preparing...