Primary Consumers [pic] [pic] [pic]
Jack Rabbit Kangaroo rat Gecko
Secondary Consumers[pic] [pic] [pic]
Cactus Ren Fire Ant Grass Hopper
Producers [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]
Plants of the desert
Primary Carnivores: Mountain Lions, Coyotes, top predators, eats sheep large rodents. Seasonal movements within a fixed range commonly are in response to prey movements. Follow migrating herds. Active yearlong, mostly nocturnal, finds cover in caves, natural cavities and thickets. They are capable of existing long periods without water.
Secondary Carnivores: Raptors, Rattlesnakes, Raptors have sophisticated binocular vision which enables them to accurately assess distances and pinpoint their prey. Their eyes also are equipped with bony rings which can squeeze and elongate the eyeball that enlarges the image seen by the bird. Raptors use the updrafts of thermals or hillslopes to rise effortlessly rarely needing to flap their huge wings. Snakes like warmer temperatures better than colder ones. If it gets too hot they will look for a cooler place. They need to be near warm surroundings to be active. Hibernate during cold season in burrows under ground. When hibernating, the snake’s heartbeat slows and it needs less oxygen and energy. Its body temperature falls and breathing slows down. Snakes eat more food before they hibernate so that they can live on stored fat. Gecko are carnivores they eat mostly insects (like crickets, springtails, and cockroaches) and mealworms, but they also eat young...