April 5
Williams on Clinton
1. Engagement and enlargement of the international institutions-maintain American dominance but in a self-restrained way
2. Globalization-interdependence, joint objectives in solving global issues, economical welfare rather than military security, China
Walt-unprecedented dominance, unipolar international system, very little constrains, US the half-hearted hegemony, reluctant to use power; US becomes the status quo power, 21% public don’t know international problems and satisfied;
Engagement-NATO to keep US pacify Europe and Asia, US would keep this role and not isolationism; press allies in getting involved (troops and money) because of public pressure: why bother?
NATO becomes a white elephant
1. Expansion-Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland in 1999
2. Bosnia-collective security outside of NATO for the 1st time “out of area operations”
3. East Asia-US-Japan relations-1995 multi-security treaty; JAPAN doesn’t have to expand militarily (nuclear), relief for Japanese
4. Engage China in global economy-played softly on human rights issues, WTO, continue to guarantee Taiwan’s independence, bombing of Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Chinese sees as lack of UN authorization and expansion of American sphere of influence through interfering the internal affairs of a sovereign state; but did not stop China from entering WTO
5. Russia-relation deteriorated-NATO expansion into formal Warsaw Pact states; compared to Cold War, still good relation; Russia relied heavily on US economically
6. WMD-nonproliferation-convinced Eastern European states (Ukraine) to give up nuclear weapons (promises of economic aid, pressure from international institutions) in establishing nonproliferation regimes, use diplomacy; PTVT, CTVT-cannot test nuclear weapons anyway Clinton did not approve and did not stop Indian-Pakistani testing; NPT 1968-Article 6 only allowed several countries to have nuclear weapons and no others can, highly...