Frankenstein and Blade Runner

In what ways have the texts you have studied distinctly examined the human condition in their relative contexts?

Topic: BR and Frank explore themes of hubris, science playing God, and the question of humanity. Through the contexts of the Romantic Gothic period, and the Dystopia of the BR future, each text examines the human conditions of what defines who we are.

Text 1 – BR
The question of humanity is the first and foremost theme of the movie Blade Runner and a model question asked in contemporary fiction. In the film, humanity is portrayed as mechanical and corrupt. They live in artificial domes in a world destroyed by pollution. Juxtaposed against the humans are the replicants who seemed to be full of emotional intelligence. A good example of this is when Holden is questioning Leon. In this scene edited close ups of their faces show Holden to be mechanical, and indeed his voice has a computerised cast to it, while Leon is terrified and emotional. The irony of course, is that Leon is not human, while Holden is. Furthermore the question of humanity is examined by disconnection with the natural world. This incontinuity of humanity and nature is reflecting by the opening scenes of long panning and far shots into the (City). These shots depict a bleak, monotone series of buildings, the hellish bellowing of fire, and artificial lights backed by a mechanical music track. This display of the city allows the responder to feel how humanity has become components of the economic machine that own the city. Here the text explores the irony that humans have become indifferent to their own humanity, while the replicants who lack it, are filled with human intensity.

The Romantics asked the same question of humanity and its connection with nature. Throughout Frankenstein series of ironic juxtapositions express the human condition of the construct as a human monstrosity, while portraying Victor as a monstrous human. Victor introduces his creation as “The...