* What keyword search did you use to find the article?
Online academic honesty
* What is the article’s title?
Academic Honesty and Online Courses
* Who is the author or authors?
Theresa C. Grijalva; Clifford Noel; Joe Lerkvliet
* When was the article published?
March 1, 2006
* Was the article peer-reviewed?
This article was peer reviewed
* In what database did you find the article?
* EBSCO database
* What keyword search did you use to find the article?
Academic dishonesty
* What is the article’s title?
Academic Dishonesty and Intention to Cheat: A model on active versus passive academic honesty as perceived by business students
* Who is the author or authors?
Ismet Anistal; M. Meril Anistal; Robert Elmore
* When was the article published?
May 2009
* Was the article peer-reviewed?
This article was peer reviewed
* In what database did you find the article?
* Gale Power search
* Friend Factor: Mostly all students have peers and friends that live in close distance to them. This can be an issue as their friends could potentially compromise the integrity of their academics online by giving them answers.
* Cheating: Cheating is a major problem in regard to online academics in that it is extremely easy to find answers to questions online.
* Plagiarism: Plagiarism is also a major issue with online academics. By doing their academic work online, students also have access to anything on the Internet that may be of use to them. This huge amount of resource can lead to plagiarism, or copying texts not written by them.
* Tests: Online students could potentially have others take exams for them or write large papers for them. This is a major concern as tests and essays have a huge impact on overall grades in many cases.
* Friend Factor: The friend factor would be extremely hard to...