Gender Bias
Uncovering why a growing number of women are leaving the corporate workplace.
by Matt Palmquist
Title: Women Entrepreneurs: Jumping the Corporate Ship and Gaining New Wings
Authors: Nicola Patterson and Sharon Mavin
Publisher: International Small Business Journal, vol. 27, no. 2
Date Published: April 2009
Why are a growing number of women leaving the corporate workplace?
Title: Women Entrepreneurs: Leaving the Corporate World and opting for Self Employment
Summary: More and more women are leaving the workplace today and starting their own businesses. Gender bias is the most significant reason why most women are leaving their jobs and opting for self employment. Most of the women who are in established careers; in middle to senior management positions are the ones taking this step. As a result of this, companies face significant rise in organizational costs when they lose key talent. Increased employee turnover leads to loss of valuable talent which in turn could have a detrimental impact on a corporation’s standing in the market.
Some Facts and Figures that support the article-
• Recent reports from the National Women’s Business Council (NWBC) indicate that America’s entrepreneurial women are working hard and smart. On an average 400 women-owned businesses were started every day between the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, today there are more than 10.0 million private businesses owned by women.
• According to Cheskin Research, women are starting businesses at twice the rate of men and have become a major force in both the traditional and the e-business marketplace. The Center for Women's Business Research estimates that, as of 2002, there are 6.2 million women-owned businesses, employing 9.2 million workers and generating $1.15 trillion in annual revenue.
So why is this discrimination still haunting women in the 21st century?
Women are subjected to Gender Bias and have had to face issues such as, unequal pay as compared to men in...