For this theological reflection, I will be using a writing from James K. Hoffmeir titled “The Heavens Declare the Glory of God”: the Limits of General Revelation. Just as the title suggest there will be a focus on the limitations of general revelation. General revelation can be viewed as the truths we know about God through nature.
Clark Pinnock states because of general revelation, anyone can find God anywhere at any time, because He has made Himself and His revelation accessible to them. Hoffmeier made two observations about it using Psalms 19:
1. The glory of God, which is associated with general revelation in Psalm 19, is not synonymous with the glory of YHWH (Lord) which is identified with special revelation.
2. The structure of Psalm 19:2 shows that glory of God is equated with the work of his hands. Naturally, his works reflect positively upon the Maker that reflection may open up an awareness and knowledge of God, the Creator, who by his hands created a glory beyond the comprehension of the human mind.
He concluded that the revelation of God that is apprehended by looking at the expanse of the heavens, or any part of God’s creation, is limited to providing veiled information about God, but not what is necessary to know God in any intimate sense.
One key strength about general revelation is that it shows that God actually exists. As pointed out in class, God reveals Himself to us in the following ways: nature, history and human conscience. Through these modes of revelation, we are able to determine that there is a greater being than us.
Even though general revelation helps us know that God exist, it does not help explain who He is, teach us how to have a relationship with Him, or teach us the obligations we have towards God. It does not provide saving knowledge. General revelation is dependent upon our ability to interpret evidence, something that is limited first by our fallen and finite minds and second by our ability to observe the world...