Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically Modified Foods:
The process of agriculture that has been used for hundreds of years is straightforward; all a farmer has to do is buy land, plant seeds, water the plants, and harvest the crops. However, due to uncontrollable forces of nature, many crops suffer from malnutrition, pests, and unfruitful harvests, and while some of these conditions can be managed (such as the use of pesticides), it has been completely unheard of to completely eradicate these problems within agriculture until around 1994. Scientists and companies such as Biotech have been working on and testing a new controversial method for enhancing crops known as Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM). Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are created by splicing the DNA of any organism and combining the genetic traits within the DNA with another organism, most typically cash crops, in order to potentially factor out these problems in agriculture, and as this field of science enhances, the practice of using GMOs is becoming more and more popular in the United States and many other economically and agriculturally advanced countries. Some of the advancements that GMOs are making possible include multiplied harvests, improving the taste of foods, creating pest-free crops, and adding more nutritional benefits to foods. This new and open field of scientific study if perfected will move the process of agriculture into the new century, and if the government structures of these first world countries capable of using GMOs were to invest a decent sum of money into this project, there would be substantial improvements within the practice of agriculture, and profits and overall production of cash crops such as soybeans and wheat would increase to the point where the scarcity of food would be eradicated and the quality of our food staples would be improved greatly.
There is a risk for farmers wishing to or who have already invested in Bt crops because insects, just like any other...