
Gentrification is like a breath of fresh are on a rundown neighbourhood. It allows landlords to repair and restore collapsing inhabitable areas and turn them into upscale aesthetically pleasing neighbourhoods. It also involves the rejuvenation of parks and allows more space for greenery which is a direct benefit for the environment.
Seeing the improvement of the area encourages people to look after it and thus take on a sustainable way of living, for example Newcastle is as gentrifying area; in 2006 when they were in the early stages of it only 5.47% of the waste was recycled leaving the remaining 94.53% to be dumped in landfills. In 2011 41.12% of household waste was recycled showing that the improvement of the area and the awareness of sustainability has had a positive impact.
Gentrification can bring a community closer together; it allows the locals to have an input on the design and the redevelopment of the neighbourhoods. They have a say on things like what type of stores they want, the equipment in parks, their community centre and many other things. Formerly racially homogenous neighbourhoods get an influx of diversity; areas get to experience new tastes in food, styles of clothing and new activities from all around the world. They become culturally aware and learn more about different ways of life, which is becoming increasingly important in this day in age as we are a very divers country.
As an area gentrifies the crime rate drops and public safety increases. The collaboration of people not paying attention to the area and little law enforcement allowed the uprising of gangs and anti-social behaviour. Once gentrification occurs people make a greater effort to look after the area, as a result people become more involved and for groups such as neighbourhood watch and will voice their opinion to the local authority. As a result of the law and the community working together criminals are restricted in the area and are more likely to be caught and arrested...

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