German Immigrant Discrimination

German Immigrant Discrimination
In The United States
By Heather S. Wenick
January 7, 2012
Dr. Doreen McAfee

The majority of German who immigrated to America started doing so in the eighteenth century. The first German colony was Germantown, Pennsylvania, which was founded in 1863. In addition to this community, Germans tended to migrate over much of the east coast and into the mid-west of the United States. Like most other immigrants, they tended to flock to their own neighborhoods and made mini communities within larger cities. Cities like Milwaukee, Cincinnati and St. Louis were actually known for their strong German cultures. (Hoobler, 1998).
Upon their arrival to the United States of America, many Germans were extremely successful. They were able to rise quickly in businesses and newspapers, some venturing out to begin their own profitable companies. Some German-Americans were even able to go as far as hold spots in Political office. Quite a few Germans were able to climb to the top of social circles and branch out to form their own societies and clubs. Most German women tended to stay out of clerical and factory positions and were more typically found as nurses, salon keepers and tailors. ("Immigration: The Germans", nod).
The transformation of views on Germans did not begin to appear in the United States until around 1914, when World War 1 began. This is when opinions of German-Americans began to decline rapidly. While most immigrants worked in their own bakeries and butcher shops, these businesses were not as supported as they once were. Establishments owned by German immigrants closed and newspapers were forced to shut down because no one would recognize them as supportive of the Americans decision to enter the war in 1917. ("German Immigration", n.d.).
When people think about discrimination of German immigrants this is the most significant time for it. During this time towns and street names deriving from German names were actually...