
Every mother of a newborn baby must choose one of two methods available to feed her infant -bottle feeding or breastfeeding . This choice is a personal preference and each is nutritionally sound . Either method has its advantages and disadvantages , however Peter Chen , M .D . of the University of Maryland states that “How and what to feed your baby is a decision that should `fit ‘ you , your baby and your family (Chen na ) Breastfeeding is most often recommended by pediatricians as the best natural nutritional source for the first six months of life . This natural source of nutrition is said to contain the “appropriate amounts of carbohydrate , protein , and fat , and provides digestive enzymes ,minerals , vitamins and hormones ‘ required by infants (Chen na )Infants also receive the mother ‘s antibodies naturally , which help the newborn fight infections (Chen na ) Breastfeeding can be one of two ways – directly from the breast or expressing the milk from the mother to be fed to the infant through a bottle . If directly from the breast the mother is solely responsible for providing nutrition to the infant – however , if the mother is unable to remain with her infant at all times it is possible that feeding her newborn can be supplemented with bottle feedings . Most healthcare professionals agree that choosing one method of breastfeeding during the first two months of life will avoid “nipple confusion ‘ in the infant the mother must realize that choosing this method directly from her breast is a major commitment . Once newborns reach the age of two months ,they are prone to adapt easily to the change in nipple (Chen na ) Researchers have found that breastfed infants have a lower occurrence of ear infections , stomach as well as intestinal infections ,skin diseases and allergies . Research also shows that breastfeeding an infant lowers the infant ‘s chances of obesity as well as developing other conditions such as high blood pressure or tooth decay (Chen na...