The following essay addresses the contentious issue of neutrality. The main emphasis is to assess accurately to what extent a position of neutrality confers economic and security benefits upon a state. It is evident that a neutrality is still a significant and perennial phenomenon that is worth elaborating and has a huge impact on people. In some cases, a neutrality can be seen as a feature of national identity in the neutral countries such as Sweden and Switzerland. The essence of neutrality is to avoid of war. In other words,a neutrality is a status chosen by a state which refrains from taking part in a war between two or more other powers. Neutrality is a term used in international law. The main rights and duties of a neutral state in war times are anchored in the Hague Conventions V and XIII of 18 October 1907. According to these customary rules a neutral state must be non-participated in war, impartial and self-defended. In conclusion, the basic rules of neutrality are quiet simple. Firstly, a neutral state should not fight and secondly, belligerents have to respect the territorial integrity of a neutral state. Its roots reach deep into history as can be seen over the*** centuries there have been many debates about neutrality and its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand neutrality offers the benefit of decreasing the posibility to get involved in the wars of other nations and furthermore, it brings increased sovereignty. On the other hand the main disadvantage of being neutral is the hindered possibility of burden sharing through collective security. In some cases, a position of neutrality can be also seen as a typical resource of weakness, an example of this is a neutrality as the official policy of the United States in 1939 – 41 (“American Isolationism“). Taken from: Möller, B.: "Small states, non-offensive defence and collective security"; In: Bauwens, W., et al. eds.: "small states and the security challenge in the new Europe", London, Brassey,...