

Problem Solution: Global Communications
Antoinette Perry
University of Phoenix
September 27, 2010
Maria Marin, PhD.

Problem Solution: Global Communications
      Global Communications has historically been a formidable force in the telecommunications industry. Recent changes have cause severe economic hardships. The leadership team is tasked with identifying the source of these challenges, developing new ways to conduct the same business, reducing the costs associated with conducting business, and attempting to maintain the business relationship that has developed with the union and employees through the years. There are no guaranteed successes and no assurance that all those affected will be pleased with the decisions. Global Communications, however, is committed to realizing the best return in the quickest timeframe and providing customers with the latest technology at the most economical prices. Global Communications is committed to retaining the best possible relationship with its employees and for those who will no longer remain with the company offering services to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Situation Analysis
Issue and Opportunity Identification
      The telecommunications industry is changing drastically and without major changes fast, the company as it is known will no longer exist. Increased competition and service packages available to customers at reduced prices means all areas of the business have to be re-evaluated and best practices of all areas must be incorporated. Reviewing stock prices that at peak sold for $28 per share now being sold for $11 per share has the stockholders scrutinizing the decisions of the leadership team and uncertain of the team’s ability to make a comeback.
      The industry needs innovative ideas and sophisticated technology to remain competitive; however, the company also has to reduce the cost of doing business in an effort...