Ability The power or skill to do something, a teacher with an ability to inspire his students.
Aim To direct toward or intend for a particular goal or group.
Appearance Pretending that something is the case in order to make a
good impression.
Application The act of putting to a special use or purpose: The application of common sense to a problem.
Appropriateness To set apart for a specific use: appropriate funds for education.
Assessment The formal or informal process of collecting evidence about student progress, analyzing and evaluating progress, communicating about progress, and adjusting teaching practice based on reflection on a teacher’s practice. There are multiple forms of assessment, including achievement or other standardized tests, exercises or assignments that enable teachers to measure student progress, student work, and feedback from parents or other family members.
Competence Achievement of learning objectives in a specific domain.
Communication The field of study concerned with the transmission of information by various means, such as print or broadcasting.
Content The subjects or topics covered in a book or document.
Deportment The conduct or obedience of a child in school, as graded by the teacher.
Development The act or process of developing; growth; progress.
Effectiveness Measure of achieving a specific goal: Typical effectiveness measures in distance education include cost, course design, instruction, media, teaching strategies, technology.
Equipment The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped.
Evaluation Both qualitative and quantitative descriptions of pupil behavior plus value judgments concerning the desirability of that behavior.
Evidence Any information produces by a teacher candidate or by students that documents teaching and can be linked to the Teaching...