Engaging in sexual activity for compensation, is commonly known as prostitution. Prostitution is referred to as one of the oldest professions in history. It is completely legal for two consenting adults to have sexual relations, but the exchange of monetary payment makes it illegal. Prostitution is considered to be morally wrong. If two or more adults consent to sexual activity, there should be no legal ramifications. One of the biggest objections to the legalization of prostitution is morality. Morals are not universal. Morality is the determination of what is right and wrong, and some people view selling sex as wrong. The United States is the land of the free. People should have the freedom to make choices about their body. Prostitution should be legalized and regulated by the government to reduce violence, reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and stimulate the economy.
Although there are documents speculating prostitution dates back as far as 2400 BC, the history of prostitution in the United States dates back to the 17th-century. According to Miller (2012), “A Massachusetts law against nightwalking was enacted by colonial assembly as early as 1699 and reenacted by the state legislature in 1787. An actual crime of prostitution itself, however, was not established in Massachusetts until 1917” (p. 1456-1457). The fact that prostitution has been a part of society since the beginnings, it has earned the title of being the oldest profession in history.
Legalizing prostitution reduces violence. As a business owner, there are laws, regulations, and ethics that need to be followed to produce a safe environment for employees and customers. Brents and Hausbeck (2005) reported that, “brothels offer the safest environment available for women to sell consensual sex acts for money” (p. 289). In Nevada, brothel owners have security features installed in each room to protect workers and their business. When a client and worker enter a room, there is a...