Manufacture or homemade grappling hooks/ which is better?
Gaje Long
John Jay Science and Engineering Academy
The evidence suggests that boys are more likely to make and throw paper airplanes than are girls. If so, by the ninth grade most boys might be expected to have considerably more expertise in this area than do most girls. Three hypotheses were tested in this experiment. These were H1) paper airplanes constructed by boys will stay in the air longer than those made by girls and H2) paper airplanes made by boys will fly farther than those made by girls. A third incidental hypotheses also tested was that H3) there is a positive correlation between how long a plane stays in the air and how far it will fly.
Each test subject was given a single sheet of paper and asked to make a paper airplane. The planes were then thrown in random order by two designated throwers, one male and one female. The time each plane hung in the air was recorded, as was the distance the plane covered while in the air. All data collected was entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Plane performance between genders was compared using a Student’s t-test procedure, while the correlation between plane flight time and distance covered was calculated using the r2 coefficient.
Analysis of the data revealed that…..
Table of Contents
Results and Discussion……………………………………………………...
Table 1: t-Test Comparison of Male-Constructed vs. Female-
Constructed Paper Airplane Performance………...………………
Graph 1: Mean Flight Times of...