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Student's signature (name typed here is equivalent to a signature):
Marianela Tavarez Torres
Career Development Plan Part III
Marianela Tavarez Torres
University of Phoenix
Human Capital Management – HRM/531
Professor. Jose Mora.
Mayo 12, 2010
Performance Appraisals are an important tool for managers and employees, although appraisals can be subjective and important for planning rewards for employees on their merit or performance. When using the performance appraisals to link the proper pay together , it could cause a great deal of problems, cause when deciding on if an employee deserves a raise or the performance does not meet the company’s standards or exceeds those standards for the job requirements. The goal of the person doing the performance appraisal is to suggest additional criticizism to let the employee know in what areas need to work the most and what areas the employee is strong in.
Employee Appraisal and Performance Evaluation:
Performance Appraisals process by which a manager or consultant (1) examines and evaluates an employee's work behavior by comparing it with preset standards, (2) documents the results of the...