6th September 2016 – Navi Mumbai, India: Market Report on India present the latest report on “Hand and Wrist Devices Market in India”,the small number of procedures currently occurring, the distal radius plate market is the fastest growing segment from the hand and wrist device market and will have a positive effect on the market growth.
The rate of market growth will be somewhat constrained by the trend toward wrist fusion over total wrist implants. Since total wrist implants are approximately ten times the cost of wrist fusion plates, this will have a negative effect on overall ASP growth and hence market growth. Due to the small number of procedures currently occurring, the distal radius plate market is the fastest growing segment from the hand and wrist device market and will have a positive effect on the market growth.
Primary wrist implants and hand digit implants are present in India; however, with unit sales being so small for 2015, an acceptable degree of market projection certainty was not available.
There is a greater variety of treatments available for hand and wrist conditions compared to larger anatomical areas of the body. The distinction between traumatic devices and reconstructive devices are a bit obscured, as there is overlap in indications. This is especially true for anatomies that are distal to the wrist joints. In particular, the distal radius plate market, which is almost solely used for traumatic fracture treatment, is also used for reconstruction of the hand and wrist. The hand and wrist market is segmented into the following devices:
• Total Wrist Joint Replacements
• Wrist Fusion
• Distal Radius Plates
• Distal Radioulnar Joint Implants
To read the complete report at: http://www.marketreportsonindia.com/life-sciences-market-research-reports-14168/india-market-report-hand-wrist-devices-medcore.html
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