1. There are two parts to conflict.
a. Positive - This stimulate productivity and improve the decision making process
b. Negative - Can create barriers to individuals and organizations effectiveness, decrease teamwork and increase workspace stress.
2. There are three reasons for conflict
a. Resource limitations - Not having enough computers, office supplies, offices, etc.
b. Psychological needs - Need to be liked, need to be involved in all the meetings
c. Value Differences - The main reason for conflict. Differences in viewpoints, Competition between individuals or groups.
3. Six Step process for problem solving
a. Define the needs of each party in the conflict.
b. Generate as many solutions as possible
c. Identify the best solution(s) for resolving the problem
d. Plan implementation of the solution
e. Implement the plan
f. Monitor the results. Make adjustments if required
4. Proactive solutions to conflict
a. Show understanding, ask questions, listen and be polite, most of all decrease angry words.
5. Addressing Someone's anger with you
a. Listen and understand where that persons coming from without getting angry
b. suggest moving the topic to another time or location
c. If it continues to breakdown then negotiation is necessary
6. Negotiations
a. Set goals and objectives
b. Insure everyone comments and concerns are heard
c. Address everyone's comments and concers, stress that everyone need to keep an open frame of mind.
d. Stay professional and calm
7. Relationship with your boss
a. Relationship with your boss will be strained in the future for two main reasons
1. Managers are being ask to do more in less time
2. Adapting to increased responsibility which is not clearly defined
b. Ideas to help
1. Stick to the...