I. Use the diagrams on pp. 103-104 to complete sections A, B, & C.
A. C.
1 Oral cavity 1 Liver
2 Teeth 2 Duodenum
3 Tongue 3 Ascending colon
4 Sublingual gland 4 Cecum
5 Submandibular gland 5 Appendix
6 Paratoid gland 6 Rectum
7 Pharynx 7 Anus
8 Esophagus 8 Transverse colon
B. 9 Decending colon
1 Esophagus 10 Sigmoid colon
2 Cardiac sphincter 11 Ileum
3 Fundus 12 Stomach
4 Body of stomach 13 Spleen
5 Pylorus 14 Jejunum
6 Pylorus sphincter
7 Pancreas
8 Duodenum
9 Omentum
10 Antrum
11 Rugue
12 Cardia
Determine the primary function of the following system components.
Structure Function- What is the purpose of the body part?
1 Tongue Large muscle that fills the oral cavity and assists with eating and talking. It contains taste buds and receptors for the sense of taste.
2 Submandibular gland Three pairs of glands that produce and release saliva.
Deep folds in the gastric mucosa that expand or contract to accommodate varying amounts of food.
4 Cardiac sphincter Muscular ring in the esophagus that keeps food in the stomach from going back into the esophagus.
5 Duodenum First part of the small intestine. It secretes cholecystokinin, a hormone that stimulates the gallbladder and pancreas to release bile and digestive enzymes.
6 Omentum Broad, fatty pouch of peritoneum that supports the stomach and hangs down over the small intestine to protect and cushion it.
7 Liver Largest organ in the body. It produces bile.
8 Pharynx Throat. It is a passageway for food and for inhaled and exhaled air.
II. Use the diagrams on p. 166 to complete sections A & B.
A. B.
1 Nasal cavity 1 Bronchiole
2 Pharynx 2 Cluster of alveoi
3 Larynx 3 Carbon dioxide
4 Apex of lung 4 Oxygen
5 Rib 5 Capillary
6 Bronchus 6 Red blood cells
7 Sternum
8 Base of lung
9 Trachea
10 Cluster of...