Hcr 240 Week 7 Dq 1 and Dq 2

HCR 240 Week 7 DQ 1 And DQ 2
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Week 7 DQ 1
Elizabeth Sanders is an 83-year old widow who is a long-time patient at your practice. Her primary insurance coverage is Medicare, and her secondary insurance is Blue Cross-Blue Shield. She has had several visits recently for a variety of ailments. She currently owes the practice $250 for tests that were denied by both Medicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield. Her account is now 75 days old. You spoke to her approximately 2 weeks ago, and she said that she was not financially able to pay. She also stated, “I should not have to pay because it was the doctor’s fault for ordering all of those tests that he knew Medicare wouldn’t cover. Those tests didn’t show anything anyway, he was just trying to get more money from me.” She then tells you that you should call Medicare because, “They paid for the same test for my friend. You probably put the wrong diagnosis on the paperwork, and that’s why they won’t pay.” She denies ever receiving the first collection letter that you sent.
What would your next step be in the attempt to collect on Ms. Sanders’ account? Explain your rationale. How would you address Ms. Sanders’ claim that Medicare paid for the same test for her friend? Which is more important: collecting the debt or retaining the customer?
Week 7 DQ 2
Many people do not think of a medical office as a business. What is the purpose of a medical office having an effective financial policy? Why is it important?
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