Health and Safety


Within this piece of evidence I have shown how I identified a vital area of my work in which I could be done better. Hence, I came up with an idea for a Health and Safety Committee at work.


The original idea was generated with hope that I could enable the team to take ownership and responsibility within risk management and develop an environment in which was pro-active and not just re-active. This was part of our Policy statement but I felt we were reactively dealing with issues in which with more thought and attention could have been prevented in the first place or have had fewer implications for the budget/resources/people.
I wanted a culture within the organisation in which empowered others – I wanted system in which generated ideas, views and opinions of all workforce. I wanted to make the team more vigilant and make them feel valued within “change” – something which has/had to be implemented in all work activities. This was part of our Policy statement, but again we were falling short of our commitment by only giving the work force access to certain areas of Health + Safety monitoring. Our Policy said “we will take a pro-active approach; we will be committed and consult with others” – we were in part but I felt that the work force had more to offer. I knew that the most valuable resource of information was right in front of me.


During November and December 2008 – my collating of data about expenditure, showed me very clearly that:
  1. I had spent considerably more than the previous years. 25% increase on fixtures/fittings and 35% on Contractors.
  2. I had seen a rise in incidents resulting in property damage and however, minor, accidents had doubled as a result of this damage.
A lot of repairs had been completed and I found that I was having to do very detailed visual checks of the building every day as things weren’t getting reported quickly. An example of this...