Health and Safety

Health and safety is a major piece of legislation that all employers need to be familiar with. The aim of the act is to protect employees and it imposes major responsibilities on employers who can be heavily fined if they breech the act,
Additional regulations have also been written which employers also have to comply with.
Duty of employers;
Employers must ensure the health and safety of their employees, they must show that they have taken all possible steps   to do so. In practice most employers do this by providing training, safety equipment, carrying out regular checks and also by writing and implementing health and safety policy. Employers with more than 5 employees also have to carry out a risk assessment which identifies the potential hazards to employees and shows how the risks are to be managed or eliminated. In early years settings for example changing a nappy is a potential risk as an early years worker may contract an illness such as polio or e-coli. This risk cannot be eliminated completely as nappies need to be changed but can be managed, by providing and insisting employees wear gloves. Employers also have to display information about the health and safety at work act for employees e.g. large poster in staff room.
These are
To comply with their employers safety procedures

To use safety equipment that is provided

To report hazards

To act with regard for their own and others safety

Health and Safety Regulations
There are a number of health and safety regulations, specific areas of health and safety are first aid and fire precautions. Outlined below are the regulations that early years settings re likely to have to comply with, although some settings might have to comply with others. This means that it is important for employers and people in settings who have responsibility for health and safety to find out what regulations they need to comply with. Information can be gained from the government agency responsible....