NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management
Unit EC2: Work-Based Practical Application
The NEBOSH Environmental Certificate is assessed by both examination and practical report. The Environmental Report, which should take around three hours work, must be submitted within 14 calendar days after the examination.
The practical report is designed to test your ability to apply the information you have gained on the course to a workplace of your choosing. The Practical will involve a review of the organisation’s approach to environmental management, researching a range of issues, and making recommendations. The idea is for you to research, investigate and review the current status of environmental management on your site, using the pro-forma and then write a short report to management recommending improvements.
As the project submission date is 14 calendar days following your EC 1 examination, it is important that you start planning now to ensure you have sufficient time to complete the assessment. We will discuss the project requirements with you on the course, and the pre-course work is designed to help you consider the key environmental areas associated with the workplace you select.
Practical Application Overview
The practical report is divided into two sections similar to other NEBOSH Certificate qualifications. The first part of the part is an investigative and observational pro-forma, and the second part is a short report to management. The aim of the project is to assess the candidate’s ability to identify;
* The nature and location of environmental issues
* The degree of risk
* Control measures in place
* Recommendations
Selection of Work Area
Your project will need to be conducted at a place of work, of your choice. Normally, this will be in your own organisation but in making your selection we recommend you consider the area with the best coverage of the topics...