1. A working relationship differs from others because we have to maintain a professional distance. The other relationships that we have from family to friends are more intimate and apart from family, are usually ones that we choose ourselves. We know each other and have respect for each other. With a working relationship, it is based around our work and a more formal relationship, it is not as easy going. It doesn’t mean that we can’t make friends, but the relationship needs to be professional and respectful to all that we work with and work alongside. This is to maintain the highest level of care that we give to our service users. We all have a part to play in maintaining a positive working relationship with each other.
2. There are a number of different working roles and relationships in health care. At the hospital, I work with other carers, nurses and junior doctors very closely. With other carers, we work together to maintain continuity of care. We work closely together as a team and are aware of what the other person is doing.
With the nurses, we make sure that we hand over the correct information about the patient, an example would be whether or not the person had had their bowels open, or if we noticed any pressure marks. This is so that the nurse can document it on the care plan and also so that they can refer the person on to receive the correct help. The nurses will also hand over any relevant information to us so that we can provide high class care.
I also work with the junior doctors quite closely and they will come and talk to us about a patient to get our opinion on how they are eating and drinking and other things as needed. They might also ask us to do things as well, such as a ward test urine sample.
In all of the above relationships, there is a lot of mutual respect. We all respect each others roles and how they play a part in the well-being and care of the patient.