Health and Social Care

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 3.2, 4.2
Safeguarding, and promoting the welfare of clients, is a broader term than protection in relation to vulnerable adults. It encompasses protecting clients from maltreatment, preventing impairment of client’s health, & ensures clients remain in a safe environment. Protection in relation to vulnerable adults refers to activities undertaken to prevent clients suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.
Our company policy is to promote & maintain the safeguarding of all our clients. Carers are introduced to potential safeguards & what the procedure is if they identify possible safeguard issues, who to report to & if no action is taken then how to take it further. Clients are all provided with a service user guide this is explained to them & next of kin at the time the care plan is devised. It outlines a complaints procedure in order to empower the client. Carers also get advised continuously through training sessions, meetings, supervisions & via informal approaches of how to safeguard themselves.  
Safeguarding in No Secrets which was issued as guidance in 2000 is discharged through assertive use of community care legal provisions, such as assessment and care planning, referrals between agencies & the use of lawful information sharing.
No Secrets & concepts within the Mental Capacity Act 2005 & Human Rights Act 1998 have remained the legal underpinning to safeguarding, even though the last two years have seen many judicial reviews & Court of Protection judgments against councils.
The Care Act 2014 has been introduced to modernise the protection of vulnerable adults within a clearer legal framework over the existing No Secrets.
In relation to safeguarding, the Care Bill will do the following:
• Make safeguarding adults boards statutory
• Make safeguarding enquiries a corporate duty for councils
• Make serious case reviews mandatory when certain triggering situations have occurred & the parties believe...