Health and Social Care



Unit 4222– 203

Introduction to equality and inclusion in
health, social care or
children’s and young people’s settings


Learning outcomes:

1 Understand the importance of equality and inclusion
2 Be able to work in an inclusive way
3 Know how to access information, advice and support about diversity, equality and inclusion

Copies of legislation and codes of practice relevant to equality, diversity, inclusion and discrimination
Copies of workplace policies relevant to equality, diversity, inclusion and discrimination

Outcome 1

Explain your understanding of each of the following terms.   Record your answer in the table below. O1.1

Diversity is about understanding and respecting that everyone is different in different ways, this could be because of gender, age, disability, beliefs etc.


Equality is about treating people fairly and giving them equal opportunities, not judging them because of their race, disability, gender etc. also remembering that people have different needs and sometimes they need to be met in different ways.

Inclusion is a human right for everyone. Its about embracing everyone irrespective of their race, gender, age, disability etc.  


Discrimination is when someone is treated unfairly and different from others, just because someone doesn’t like something about them.

Describe how discrimination may deliberately or inadvertently occur in your workplace. O1.2
• Inadvertently

A member of staff could need some help moving a resident and instead of asking a women to do it, they ask the man instead, just because they automatically think that because the other staff member is a male, he is stronger than the woman.

• Deliberately

In a care home there is 1 black worker and 2 white workers. The white...